Saturday, September 5, 2009


We arrived in Russia almost two weeks ago and I feel like I have finally settled in. Russia is different than America, as expected, but it also has quite a few similarities.
  • The plants are ALL the same, they just look a little different.
  • People wear American clothing.
  • Anyone who has a car will drive to the store even if it is less that a 10 minute walk away.
  • Everyone lives in a small apartment.
  • People go for walks for fun.
  • It is cold (60 degrees F).

My host family and city are both fantastic. My host sister calls Kirov a large village, but I would call it a city. 420,000 people is not a village. The people here are very nice once you get to know them and the food is fantastic. I am not joking. Russian food is amazing. You might not expect cabbage soup (щи) to be good, but it is.

I started Russian class at last week and regular classes this week. My regular classes are taught in all Russian so considering that I don't speak the language learning is going to be a challenge. But I am up to it. Our Russian classes are going well. I can now ask what something is and say the words cat, dog, magazine, engineer, food ect. ect.

Anywho everything is going fine in Russia.


  1. Hi Katie!
    GRREAT Blog! Thanks for sharing the similarities and differences of Russia and America. Sounds more the same than different. We're wondering what is in cabbage soup, besides cabbage. Good luck with learning the Russian language, although you won't need luck since you have skill and determination! You'll be awesome!

  2. Kate, This blog is so interesting. Grandpa says you have more smarts than the whole bunch of us. And yah just what is in the soup. Need recipes. Keep up the good work. G&G
